Tag Heroic Week

John Barrymore April 17, 2024 4 minutes
Blizzard has announced that Heroic Week will be returning in The War Within, after its removal sparked controversy among players. The decision to reintroduce the week-long period, in which Mythic raids and full loot pool of Mythic+ were unavailable, aims to address concerns about power differentials, class tuning, and the intense race to be world first.
John Barrymore April 17, 2024 4 minutes
Blizzard has announced the return of Heroic Week in The War Within, after its removal caused mixed reactions. This week-long period will allow players to gear up for Mythic raids and Mythic+ without arbitrary caps, but has also raised concerns about power differentials and lack of class tuning. Ultimately, the reintroduction of Heroic Week aims to provide a fair and balanced early access period for all players.